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How to check if OnionCoffee is Active

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After configuring and setting up OnionCoffee or after changing the configuration you should check if the OnionCoffee Proxy does actually anonymize your requests.

The TOR testing site

You can do this for example by going to the TOR testing site.

When using the HTTP OnionCoffee Proxy your HTTP requests are anonymized. This means basically that your request ist routed through a chain of network nodes so that the site where you request data from does not know that the request comes from your node. So you should check the following:

  • Does the IP Adress displayed at the TOR testing site match your IP Adress or some Adress from your local network? If yes this means that your communication is not anonymized; even if the site gives a positive "guess".
  • Check what the site "guesses" about your anonymization status.

What to do if the testing results are negative?

  • First try to reload the TOR testing site with your application (web browser) and see if the results stay negative. Please don't repeat this more often when neccessary.
  • Secondly look if anonymization is turned on in OnionCoffee. It can be switched off in the OnionCoffee GUI.
  • Third you should check that the application that you want to use for anonymous communication is configured correctly. At most times this will be your browser. Please have a look at the respective article about setting up OnionCoffee for your system.

If those steps do not help please consider filing a Bug Report!

Created by mkoellejan
Last modified 2007-02-11 07:35 PM
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