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Concepts of the PRIME Project

Identity Management in the Focus of PRIME

All social and economic interactions between human beings in modern civilisation require the exchange of some personal data. The decision what data to make available is made intuitively in normal life, so for instance, the one of whether or not to state your name when shaking hands.

PRIME Overview Image (small)

In the online world, every person has to handle numerous accounts and data sets. These so-called “partial identities” will increasingly play a key role in future electronic services as well as in public security (e.g., border controls). They may very well convey sensitive personal data, such as patient health data, employee data, credit card data, etc.

Surveys have shown that people now feel their privacy is at risk from identity theft and erosion of individual rights. In the Information Society, people want to interact securely and safely while maintaining control of their personal data.

PRIME focuses on solutions for privacy-enhancing identity management that supports end-users’ sovereignty over their private sphere and enterprises’ privacy-compliant data processing.

The Goal of PRIME

PRIME aims to develop a working prototype of a privacy-enhancing Identity Management System. To foster market adoption, novel solutions for managing identities will be demonstrated in challenging real-world scenarios, e.g., from Internet Communication, Airline and Airport Passenger Processes, Location-Based Services and Collaborative e-Learning.

Overview on PRIME’s Technologies

“PRIME in 2 pages” is sketched in this PRIME Primer.

The PRIME White Paper gives a crisp overview in about 20 pages.

More information is given in the PRIME Architecture deliverable.

Further results can be found in “PRIME Results & Products” on this website.

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Created by ctk
Last modified 2008-08-04 10:24 PM
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