Extension of PRIME
PRIME starts for a 3 month Extension period until May 2008

During the extension period further effort will be made to widely disseminate the project results. This will namely be achieved by producing a comprehensive book named ‘The PRIME Book’ and by presenting the results at the PRIME Closing Event. Furthermore the project will elaborate on a extended business case for the application of identity management solutions.
The PRIME Book will describe how privacy enhancing identity management can be achieved, what the state of the art in the various concerned areas is and what PRIME did contribute in these areas. It will gather the PRIME results that are dispersed over many PRIME deliverables to produce a concise and accessible text. In particular it will depict the current setting and arising problems followed by a description of the projects solutions to those problems covering social, legal, economic and technical issues. Finally it will specify how privacy enhancing mechanisms can be applied summarizing the experiences the project has made with the different application prototypes.
The mentioned research results as well as the PRIME prototypes will also be presented at the PRIME Closing Event which will be held in Leuven on July 21 in conjunction with the 8th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium.
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Last modified 2008-04-02 10:31 PM
Last modified 2008-04-02 10:31 PM