PRIME Data Model
Current ontology (CVS).
The description/executive summary can be found in the CVS too.
Snapshot 2006/12/19
@prefix xsd: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix owl: <> . @prefix data: <> . <> a owl:Ontology .
A datafield is a intermediary, named RDF resource that allows to make statements about the associated rdf:value. It provides names to literals.
Properties of the type concrete property can be traansmitted between PRIME entities and be represented in the database. Properties without this type are conceptual only and never part of a Claim or database. Nevertheless they can be used in ClaimRequests to ask for all of their concrete sub-properties. In claims only concrete properties (sub-properties of data:concreteProperty) are allowed.
data:concreteProperty rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Property ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
The range associated with a concrete property specifies the type of the value of the data field the concrete property is pointing to.
data:range a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty; rdfs:domain data:concreteProperty ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
The value property is no longer used and replaced by rdf:value. It used to contain the encoded representation of datafield’s content.
#data:value # a owl:FunctionalProperty ; # rdfs:domain data:sensitiveData ; # rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
An entity is an object able to act. Statements in PRIME are made about entities (e.g. systems, users, organisations, ..).
data:Entity rdfs:subClassOf owl:Individual ; owl:disjointWith data:DataField ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
Sensitive data is the super class of properties in statements pointing from and to the user that are relevant for PRIME. (This does not cover RDF, RDFS, OWL … Properties.)
This is not modelled as a Property and thus not usable in Claim and ClaimRequest. It would be bidirectional (from Entity to DataField and from DataField to Entity) and therefor of no use in Claims, which should have only one subject. The most general property to be used in ClaimRequests is data:userCentricSensitiveData. In claims only concrete properties are allowed.
data:sensitiveData a owl:Class ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
User-centric sensitive data is the super property of all statements pointing from the entity to the associated datafields and their values.
data:userCentricSensitiveData a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, data:sensitiveData ; rdfs:range data:DataField ; rdfs:domain data:Entity ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
Data-centric sensitive data is the super property of all statements pointing from the datafield representing the value to the entity.
data:dataCentricSensitiveData a owl:FunctionalProperty, data:sensitiveData ; rdfs:range data:Entity ; rdfs:domain data:DataField ; rdfs:isDefinedBy <> .
The Big Picture
Last modified 2007-03-28 08:20 AM