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About me: Janus Sandsgaard, 29 years old. Living in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Education: Roskilde University, Department of Technology and Social Science and International Development Studies. Currently taking an additional master degree in STS / “ESST – Society, Science and Technology in Europe”.

Fields of interests: (Participatory) technology assessment, STS (Science, Technology, Society), ICT, privacy, Open Source, patent and technology transfer.

OrganizationDanish Board of Technology – an independent institution established by the Danish Parliament in 1986 in order to disseminate knowledge about technology, and increase debate on possibilities and its effects on people and on society. Among other tings we are known for methods for participatory technology assessment. Project we have done in relation to privacy:

1994: Citizens card
1995: Electronic traces and logging.
1995: Crypto policy
1998: Information society – direct democracy and surveillance.
2000: The Municipality on the Internet
2001: Electronic surveillance
2002: DNA-chips – testing our genes
2002: Electronic health record
2003: PETS / “IT privacy protection must be improved” (English news letter)

Current and planned projects:
2004: E-government and privacy
2005: Pervasive Healthcare

In The Danish Board of Technology (DBT) we are currently working on a project about privacy in relation to eGovernment. This project is a part of an international co-operation among similar institutions in other European countries (EPTA) on a broad range of subject on ICT and privacy. The aim is a analyse and a synthesising reports from different European TA units to find overlapping fields as well as blind spots. It will give an overview on technological and political threats and solutions to the issue of privacy. We will build a scenario for the European future 20 years from now, in which governance, law, organisation and technology ensure ICT-privacy for the European citizen. Deriving from the scenario we will address policy options and recommendations for the European Union as well as national decision makers.

Main interests in the Reference Group: I see some great potentials in working both with the PRIME project and the EPTA privacy project (mentioned above). Coming from an institution working with (participatory) technology assessment my approach to this field is interdisciplinary.

Why PRIME is interesting: In a world that is increasingly dependent on electronic communication PETs do have a great potential. It is important to bring the discussion out of black box of the laboratory. The integrated approach of PRIME is very appealing to me!
Created by markus
Last modified 2004-10-04 04:22 PM

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