PRIME – Privacy and Identity Management for Europe
PRIME aims to develop a working prototype of a privacy-enhancing
Identity Management System. To foster market adoption, novel solutions
for managing identities will be demonstrated in challenging real-world
scenarios, e.g., from Internet Communication, Airline and Airport
Passenger Processes, Location-Based Services and Collaborative e-Learning.
PRIME is primarily a research project. The work on prototype development is a means to validate its new scientific and research results.
The PRIME project receives research funding from the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme and the Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science.
- June 2007: PRIME White Paper V2 released
- May 2007: EC Communication on PETs mentions PRIME!
- April 2007: Architecture V2 online
- March 2007: Advanced Tutorials online
- Feb. 2007: 2nd PRIME Standardisation Workshop announced
- Nov. 2006: Interesting discussions on “Business Models and Identity” at joint PRIME/FIDIS/OpenTC workshop on IST Event 2006
See Workshop Page (on FIDIS website) - 18 Oct. 2006: Fruitful W3C Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and Semantics-Driven Enforcement
Slides and Position Papers online
- Sep. 2006: New PRIME Flyer online
- Aug. 2006: Updated PRIME Framework available
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Last modified 2007-06-27 07:29 AM
Last modified 2007-06-27 07:29 AM